2009年8月3日 星期一


我想是大教授搞錯了吧? 然後再被其它信眾不知所以然地引用, 所以就會出現什麼每升高1m就等於往北1km這樣奇奇怪怪的論述. 這樣的觀點其實是來自於闡述山地生物多樣性隨海拔梯度改變的趨勢. 而且這樣的數據是因地而異的. 好的, 隨便在google上找一下, 就會找到一個文件, 提到這個觀點, 摘錄如下:

A fundamental characteristic of mountain ecosystems is the drastic change in vegetation and overall biodiversity as well as in climate from the base to the summit of mountain. For instance, for Norway and the Alps, the species numbers of plants decline by 40 for every 100m of elevation. Every 100 m increase in elevation is equivalent to 100 km distance north on the latitudinal scale. For instance, a short excursion from a humid midmontane tropical forest to the edge of a high Andean glacier corresponds to a journey at low elevation across climatic zones of perhaps 7000 km in latitudinal distance (e.g. from central America to the north of Alaska)! The many alternative explanations for elevational gradients in species-density are associated with following features of montane systems: reduction of area; elevational gradients in climate (temperature, precipitation) and environmental severity at the high altitudes; geographical isolation of montane communities.

喔, 看清楚沒, 那是在講挪威和阿爾卑斯山耶, 而且是說海拔每上升100m, 相當於往北跨越100km的緯度格局. 但是可以直接約分成每上升1m相當於往北跨1km然後拿來套在台灣嗎? 好, 我們再看看這個觀點出自何處, 這句話其實來自Nagy et al. (2003)所著的Alpine Biodiversity in Europe這本手冊, 但是這個觀點其實只是歐洲, 尤其是西歐與北歐國家生物多樣性研究者的一個common sense, 怎麼會亂搬到台灣來用呢? 如果有些教授會對國家公園的解說牌的圖文錯誤那麼生氣, 那麼應該更留意自己是不是科普宣導文章寫多了, 但卻已經偏離科學邏輯的事實. 如果對這方面有興趣, 建議應該多讀讀近年有關熱帶島嶼高山以及熱帶雨林邊緣高山的海拔梯度與生物群聚關係的文章.